
  • Download AgendOP presentation >

    MD5 checksum: 979b5eaf4628b46639c24b1acfddc614 *Agendop.ppsm
  • Download sStat presentation >

    MD5 checksum: 78a908774298b5e338b7b67834ac9880 *stat.ppsx

(Hetzelfde op zijn plaats.)



  1. Forceer je wachtwoord niet als je een slechte gebruikersnaam hebt!
  2. The always helps.
  3. Saving frequently is the secret of long life.
  4. CTRL+S is our friend.
  5. There is not much backup, less sucking.
  6. Do want to share XP printer sharing under Windows 7 !
  7. If you do not want to copy an Excel formula, do not suffer from dollar signs!
  8. There is no money that you can not spend.
  9. „Be directed by laziness!” by: Gy.Z. (It is to write a program code.)


Sorry! Dit is mijn favoriet sinds 2001! 🙂